Metal Roof structure in detail

Metal Roof

Sub structures in detail

Especially with sheet metal roofs, the details of the roof structure play a crucial role in the use of the rooms below. A distinction is made between two different versions of the roof structure for sheet metal roofs.

Roof construction

Here the structure from outer to inner. In some cases, a wooden board/layer is attached between the insulation layer and the vapor barrier and/or on top of the rafters under the membrane.

– metal sheets
-Battens and Counter battens
-Roof membrane
-Thermal insulation between the rafters
-Vapour barrier
-Interior panels(e.g. Drywall)

In order  to provide a safe base for any metal roof to be layed on, it is best practise nowadays to use a special
metal roofing membrane . The setup would be looking like this:

-metal skin
-Metal Roof membrane
-wood sheating
-Thermal insulation between the rafters
-vapour barrier
-interior panels